Testimonials — Husaak Adventures

Thinking of joining us on one of our adventures?
Read what some of our fellow explorers have to say

Husaak literally added one of the most wonderful chapters in my life that I pray will never close.

Once you start with one of their amazing trips you automatically get hooked.

The people you meet on every trip, are the most genuine & wonderful you can ever find, united we all do the amazing different outdoor activities that makes you instant friends sharing this memorable experience.

The organization of the trips, the locations, the variety, the timings, the guides, and every thing in between are the true and real amazing experience you will always have on your “To Do List”...

You simply move to a new world with Husaak’s experience، which is worth looking forward to on every trip.

It is sooooo much fun, so fruitful, positively addictive... truly I’m not exaggerating, you must try it to understand the passion I built for it, I just cant thank them enough.

Husaak .. you’re on the top of the list of the best things that invaded my life ... Love u all
— Ayad AlKhatrash - Waterfall, Jebal Shams, Pearls of Abu Dhabi, Pearls of Oman - Kayak, The Angry Lions - Tanzania
It was an amazing trip Spending 5 hours through the Canyon challenges, Spent 2 nights in the outdoors & met great people.
— Eissa Alayyar - Snake Canyon
I loved the team work and I knew myself and my limitation and how to break it
— Abdulaziz Alobaid - Waterfall
One of the best bonding experiences with my 13 year old daughter, full of moments that we won’t forget. The nature, the activities, and of course the organizing crew made it a perfect weekend
— Enas Salmeen - Jebal Shams
Best experience ever
— A.K Alomar - Waterfall, Tahery Cave, The Angry Lions - Tanzania
من خلال هذه الرحلات تعرفت على نفسي .. قوة التحمل .. تحدى النفس .. راحة البال .. الهدوء و السكينه .. تواصل مع ذات .. بأختصار : هناك احاسيس و متعه لن يفهمها من لم يشارك بهذه الرحلات
Trips like this: Recharging my soul
— SabikaAziz - Waterfall, Jebal Shams, Tahery Cave, Snake Canyon, Pearls of Oman - Kayak
Loving the nature
Calm , exploration

كسرت روتين
— Dalal - Snake Canyon, Mini Hidden Jewels
@husaak Adventures have opened my eyes to a hidden world in the Gulf region. I would have never thought I would go hiking in Oman or rowing in the middle of Abu Dhabi’s mangroves.

@husaak Adventures have taught me that we have to go through a series of new experiences and endurance tests so that we learn just how capable we are.

I can’t wait to see where those loco explorers will take me next!
— Shamael - Tahery Cave, Pearls of Abu Dhabi
In short, life changing experience!

Coming on Husaak trips gave me an exposure to my inner self, as limits had been tested and at a point where I thought I couldn’t continue I learned how to push my self furthermore “”beyond my limits”” and reaching the summit on my first trip to the highest point of arabia “”jebal Shams”” was indescribable!! It tought me if I succeeded in pushing myself to in reaching up there; I can believe in myself to achieve whatever I dream of.

I guess nobody can understand our perspective of these trips except us explorers and trippers and the rest they truly don’t know what they are missing!

Whether it’s meeting highly motivated friendly fellas or have peaceful moments sleeping under the stars, words can’t express the magical feeling we have during and after these trips, “spiritual kind of nature euphoria “
Thank you Husaak for inspiring us .. Keep on inspiring
— Hasan Al Hashmi - Waterfall, Jebal Shams, Pearls of Abu Dhabi
Throw any preconceived notions you may have out the window...
These trips are a combination of high highs and mental and physical challenges that you are bound to break through with a little help from your newfound friends. The essence of these trips is engaging in connections, connecting with nature, yourself, and the people with you, who will become closer to you in the few days you spend together than maybe those you have known for much longer.
There is something to be said about a group of people (mostly strangers in the first hour) who venture out into the wilderness together. No matter how different we are from each other, we have this strong basic human trait in common, and that is a curiosity to explore, discover, develop and bond. There’s always a lot of laughing, and sometimes a few tears.
Those you embark on these adventures with will always have a soft spot in your heart. It’s just the way it ends up happening.
And then there are the views.... They’re intense.
— DT - Waterfall, Jebal Shams
Being on one of Husaak jebal shams hiking trips was a challenging yet mind clearing experience...It’s the best thing I’ve ever done in my entire life...It took me back to a simple life a life where I felt I belong to...We managed to communicate and work as a team although none of us knew the other and most importantly as I’m a clean freak.. the impact this trip had on me was definitely lowering my standards of cleanliness at home. LoL!!! Will be signing up for more trips that’s for sure!!
Thank u for this amazing concept..I still feel that I left a piece of me in the mountain...
— Linda Al Muqaimi - Jebal Shams
This was one of the most exciting and adventorous trips i’ve been on. It made me appreciate the gulf’s wilderness. I had never imagined such great scenary was available a short flight away. You learn a lot from the trips, team building, patience, and mostly keeping the general morale of the team up! The thing i liked most was that the trip was not commercial and was laid back and just like any other trip you go to with friends. I went on the trip knowing only two people and left with many friends. Also, last but not least Ali makes some mean steaks! Enjoy the trips and best of luck to the organizers!
— Fahad Alqadhi - Tahery Cave
I have personally learned to get out of my comfort zone and meet new people.
— Anon - Waterfall, Mini Hidden Jewels
These trips are super amazing. Great adventures with great people. I met wonderful people on husaak trips...I was inspired by many..and grateful to have met most of them. Only after going on my first Tahery cave trip did I really discover the wonderful beauty of Oman (only 2 hours away from Kuwait!) I discovered that there ARE great Kuwaiti adventurers out there sharing similar interests as yourself and inspiring you to go on even more adventures. Great adventures bringing active/sporty/adventurous people together...and definitely great way to connect with nature...
— Ameena Almutawa - Tahery Cave, Pearls of Oman - Kayak
I was fortunate enough to get the chance to join @husaak adventures in multiple trips, each trip is completely different and had a lot to offer.
Without a doubt, it is life changing, it reconnects the individual back to mother nature in so many levels, going back to the wild, making our way through as human beings reconnecting with one another, communicating, and appreciating the simple things in life. Witnessing the sunrise in the midst of the crater, or watching the flamingos fly as the sun sets, it is like a scene from a movie, only better, I get to see it with my own eyes, and to top that, I get to enjoy it with amazing company. It is a great escape from our daily lives, a platform to meet new interesting people, and an opportunity to experience adventures in new breathtaking surroundings. I absolutely love it and I cannot get enough, always waiting for that next trip, thank you @husaak for showing us the wonders of this world.
— @ealadsani - Pearls of Abu Dhabi, The Angry Lions - Tanzania, Majlis Al Jin
“I loved meeting light-minded adventurous people on Ali’s trips. From different ages and communities all with a common goal of completing the hike and enjoying nature. I loved how from the second we introduce ourselves we all act like old friends. It is with that mentality and Ali’s facilitation of beautiful and challenging tours that keeps me hooked on those weekend trips. Personally, I learnt new climbing skills in the 7th hole trip and the whole group camping teamwork dynamic.
I should go on a trip soon... It has been a while!
— Abdulla Alahmadi Waterfall, Jebal Shams, Tahery Cave, 7th Hole
I would call it “the perfect getaway” more than a hiking trip. Its all about the details. 48 hours with no cellular network is the kind of peaceful disconnection you need once in a while. The team work made each one of us selfless and responsible for the rest of the group. The best part of it all is the people you share nothing but laughter with for the entire trip. Even when you are out of breath stuck between 2 rocks you cant help but burst in to laughter picturing how stupid you look. The worst part of the trip is missing it all once you are back.
— Daylal AlHajeri Waterfall, Jebal Shams
I always wanted to see Oman Wadi, i heard a lot about Falaj watering system but never imagined that i can reach to one of the sources ended up with a magical water fall !!!
— Eissa Alayyar - Waterfall
Each one of us needs to get out of their comfort zone once in a while. Having such an amazing guided adventure near from home is a great luxury; an experience to remember.
If they ask me if I would do it again, I would say: “Oh yes!”.
Thank you great Ali
— Waleed Alowaiyesh - Jebal Shams
Patience, teamwork and and reaching for your goals
— CANT STOP - Jebal Shams